Source code for ms_graph_exporter.ms_graph.response

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Module implements :class:`MsGraphResponse` class to handle MS Graph API responses.

:class:`MsGraphResponse` maintains context to allow efficient retrieval of paginated
responses to a query.

from logging import Logger, getLogger
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional
from uuid import uuid4

from requests import Response

from ms_graph_exporter.ms_graph import api

[docs]class MsGraphResponse: """Class to handle MS Graph API responses. Store data from a single query to MS Graph API. Maintain reference to specific :obj:`~ms_graph_exporter.ms_graph.api.MsGraph` instance which initiated the query and uses it to retrieve subsequent parts of the paginated response. Attributes ---------- __logger : :obj:`~logging.Logger` Channel to be used for log output specific to the module. _cache: :obj:`~typing.Dict` [:obj:`str`, :obj:`~typing.Optional` [:obj:`~typing.Dict` [:obj:`str`, :obj:`~typing.Any`]]] Dictionary holding URLs queried and corresponding results received (if caching enabled), including URLs paged through with :meth:`__next__`. _cache_enabled : :obj:`bool` Flag indicating if received data should be cached (``True``) or not (``False``). _complete : :obj:`bool` Flag indicating if the response is complete (``True``) or partial (``False``) and there are more paginated records to fetch. _data_page: :obj:`~typing.List` [:obj:`~typing.Dict` [:obj:`str`, :obj:`~typing.Any`]] Last data batch fetched from the API. _initial_url : :obj:`str` URL to retrieve the initial data batch. _ms_graph : :obj:`~ms_graph_exporter.ms_graph.api.MsGraph` API instance to be used for queries. _next_url : :obj:`str` URL to retrieve next data batch if response is paginated. _uuid : :obj:`str` Universally unique identifier of the class instance to be used in logging. Note ---- Even if caching is disabled, but response contains a single page which has been retrieved and provided at instantiation of :class:`MsGraphResponse`, the data is taken from memory for subsequent iterations with :meth:`__iter__` and :meth:`__next__` and not re-requested. """ # noqa: E501 __logger: Logger = getLogger(__name__) _cache: Dict[str, Optional[Dict[str, Any]]] _cache_enabled: bool = False _complete: bool = False _data_page: List[Dict[str, Any]] _initial_url: str = "<undefined>" _ms_graph: "api.MsGraph" _next_stop: bool = False _next_url: str = "<undefined>" _uuid: str = "<undefined>"
[docs] def __init__( self, ms_graph: "api.MsGraph", initial_data: Optional[Dict[str, Any]], initial_url: str, cache_enabled: bool = False, ) -> None: """Initialize class instance. Parameters ---------- ms_graph MS Graph API client instance to be used for queries. initial_data Data structure returned by MS Graph API from initial query. initial_url Initial query URL producing ``initial_data``. cache_enabled Flag indicating if response data should be cached (``True``) or not (``False``). """ self._uuid = str(uuid4()) self._cache = {} self._cache_enabled = cache_enabled self._initial_url = initial_url self._ms_graph = ms_graph self._update(initial_data, initial_url)"%s: Initialized", self) self.__logger.debug("%s: pushed: %s records", self, len(self._data_page)) self.__logger.debug("%s: complete flag: %s", self, self._complete) self.__logger.debug("%s: next_url: %s", self, self._next_url)
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: """Return string representation of class instance.""" return "MsGraphResponse[{}]".format(self._uuid)
[docs] def __iter__(self): """Provide iterator for object. Prepares internal state for iteration from the beginning of the data set and returns object itself as an iterator. """ self.__logger.debug("%s: [__iter__]: Invoked", self) # if response has either a single page or multiple pages fully iterated once if self._complete: # if response has multiple pages fully iterated once if len(self._cache) > 1: self.__logger.debug( "%s: [__iter__]: reset '_next_url' to '_initial_url'", self ) self._next_url = self._initial_url self.__logger.debug("%s: [__iter__]: prefetch initial data page", self) self._prefetch_next() self.__logger.debug("%s: [__iter__]: reset iterator", self) self._next_stop = False return self
[docs] def __next__(self) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """Return cached data and prefetch more, if available.""" self.__logger.debug("%s: [__next__]: Invoked", self) if self._next_stop: raise StopIteration else: if self._next_url == "": self._next_stop = True old_data: List = self._data_page self._prefetch_next() self.__logger.debug( "%s: [__next__]: pulled: %s records", self, len(old_data) ) self.__logger.debug("%s: [__next__]: next_url: %s", self, self._next_url) self.__logger.debug("%s: [__next__]: next_stop: %s", self, self._next_stop) return old_data
[docs] def _prefetch_next(self) -> None: """Prefetch more responses. Prefetch next data batch, if more paginated records are available. """ if self._next_url != "": cached_data: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = self._cache.get( self._next_url, None ) if cached_data: response_data: Dict[str, Any] = cached_data else: response: Response = self._ms_graph._http_get_with_auth(self._next_url) response_data = response.json() self._update(response_data, self._next_url) self.__logger.debug( "%s: Prefetched next %s records %s", self, len(response_data.get("value", None)), "from cache" if cached_data else "", )
[docs] def _update(self, api_response: Optional[Dict[str, Any]], query_url: str) -> None: """Update internal state. Save the latest ``api_response`` received, ensure consistency of the internal metadata and push to cache if enabled. Raises ------ ValueError If ``api_response`` does not have ``value`` key where the list with response data must reside (even if empty). """ if query_url not in self._cache: self._cache[query_url] = api_response if self._cache_enabled else None if api_response is not None: if "value" in api_response: self._data_page = api_response["value"] self._next_url = api_response.get("@odata.nextLink", "") if not self._complete: self._complete = self._next_url == "" else: self.__logger.exception( "%s: Exception: 'api_response' must have 'value' key present", self ) raise ValueError("'api_response' must have 'value' key present")